Dry Float

Welcome to the ZeroBody universe – where floating meets total bliss without even a drop of water in sight!

Chilly Dill is the ultimate spot for athletes!

So, what’s the scoop on ZeroBody? Picture this: the ultimate dry floating experience that’s as easy as pie. This innovative gem brings all the goodness of traditional floating tanks but in a way that’s super flexible. You can hop on anytime, anywhere – no swimsuit required, no wet hair drama. It’s like hitting the relaxation jackpot without even lifting a finger!

And the perks? Oh, they’re endless!

From speeding up post-workout recovery to boosting those feel-good endorphins, reducing blood pressure, and even improving circulation – ZeroBody’s got your back (and your joints, and your muscles).

But wait, there’s more! Dive into the mental magic of dry floatation and say sayonara to insomnia, jet lag, and stress-related woes. It’s like hitting the reset button for your brain, leaving you feeling as fresh as a daisy and ready to conquer the world!

And let’s not forget the pickletastic benefits. We’re talking improved relaxation, lactic acid drainage, inflammation reduction, and a natural immunity boost. Plus, your joints and muscles will be singing praises with improved recovery, strength, and tone. Say hello to your new BFF for peak performance and total zen vibes!

So, what are you waiting for?

So, what are you waiting for? Kick back, relax, and let ZeroBody whisk you away to a world of pure relaxation and happiness. It’s time to float on cloud nine!

Just hop onto the ZeroBody: the solid panel drops, and you’re instantly wrapped in a cozy, warm hug from 400 liters of perfectly temped water in a cutting-edge membrane. Your dry floating adventure kicks off with a splash of colors and an optional lumbar massage to make it even more unforgettable. Get ready to float on cloud pickle!

Float your cares away with ZeroBody Dry Float

Relax, Recharge, Repeat

ZeroBody Dry Float is the preferred solution for professional sports teams to enhance physical and mental recovery of their players